K-8 Friday Afternoon Homeschool Enrichment Program located at High Lakes Christian Church in La Pine, Oregon | Ph. 503-936-9265
Program Update: Our program is full and registration for the 2024/2025 school year is now closed- you're welcome to email us to join our waitlist.

2023 Christmas Program "O Holy Night"
2023 Veteran's Day Performance:
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Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

God Bless The U.S.A.

Yankee Doodle
Our Vision: To glorify God by teaching His word and providing support, connection and enrichment for the homeschooling families in our community.
Our Mission: To enrich, equip and encourage through faith, fun and fellowship.

Friday Afternoon Schedule
Drop off at 11:45 AM, Pick up at 3:15 PM
There is a one Friday per month Parent Service Requirement.
Food, faith, fun and fellowship!

Student Presentations & Snack Time
During this Block, students will have their sack lunch which was brought from home while they listen to and take turns giving Student Presentations. What are Student Presentations? For the younger kiddos, this can be as simple as “Show & Tell”. For the older students, you as the parent can decide how sophisticated you’d like the presentation to be. This could be a report of some kind: a book report, telling about a family vacation, or a favorite hobby, or describing what they are studying in history, etc…
During our Bible time, we will be using an open-and-go Bible curriculum, memorizing Scripture, and studying and learning Hymns to showcase at our Art & Presentation Night!

This year, instead of Crafts we will be implementing an open-and-go Art curriculum facilitated by our amazing volunteers. This Art curriculum will focus on the elements of art, and we will be using various mediums— pencils, markers, paint, etc… We will be collecting some of the students’ artwork so that we can showcase it at an Art & Presentation Night!
We will be adding a Recess time in the middle of the day for all the students to participate in together. This will be outside preferably—even when it’s cold! If weather does not permit however, we will be in the gym or possibly doing a special project. Recess is a great way for students of various ages to come together to practice social interactions in a fun environment.

PE is a time for kids to play and exercise while learning sportsmanship and working as a team, among other things.