K-8 Friday Afternoon Homeschool Enrichment Program located at High Lakes Christian Church in La Pine, Oregon | Ph. 503-936-9265

Who We Are
A dedicated committee serving our community.
The Bible
We believe that all 66 books comprising the Old and New Testaments are divinely and verbally inspired and without error as originally written. They are the supreme authority in all matters of belief and practice for the church and individual believers.
The Trinity
We believe in one God, the Creator of all things, who exists eternally and equally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each is distinct in “personhood” from the others, yet all share of one divine nature, will, and essence.
God the Father
We believe in God the Father as the first person of the Trinity who is the Eternal Uncreated Spirit. He is the Sovereign Creator of all. He is revealed by his creation, his Word (the 66 canonical books of the Bible), personal experience, and most clearly, in his Son Jesus. He is infinite in knowledge and power. His sovereign plan for the salvation of the world and his eventual complete triumph over evil is certain. Among many other things, he is loving, just, holy, infinite (limitless), immanent (near), and immutable (changeless).
Jesus Christ
We believe in the eternally pre-existent Son who became flesh through the miraculous virgin birth making him fully human and fully divine. He lived a sinless life; shed his blood for the forgiveness of sins; died on the cross as our atoning substitute; rose bodily from the grave on the third day; ascended to the right hand of the Father where he intercedes; and will imminently return for the judgment of those who reject him, the consummation of his kingdom, and the salvation of his church. He is the embodiment and perfect balance of grace and truth.
The Holy Spirit
We believe in God the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. We believe in his indwelling, comforting, presence in every believer enabling us to live in ever-increasing holiness, and empowering us for the mission of Christ in the world.
We believe humanity was created sinless in the image of God but fell into sin when Adam and Eve were tempted in the garden. This sin nature spread to all, separating us from God and making us spiritually dead and in need of salvation.
We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in the finished atoning work of Jesus Christ and his blood shed on the cross for sin. This free and gracious gift is received by faith in Christ and repentance from the old life of sin, confession of Christ as Lord, and water baptism (by immersion) into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Believer’s Life
We believe it is the responsibility of every believer to abstain from sin relying on the Holy Spirit to produce his fruit in us and moving us ever-increasingly toward holiness. The Holy Spirit is our adoption agent whose indwelling makes us children of God, brothers and sisters of each other, and united in God’s family. We are called to diligently follow the teachings of Christ as found in gospels and fleshed out in the remainder of the New Testament. We are called together to fulfill the great commission found in Matthew 28:19-20 to make disciples of all people and nations. We will do this by means of loving care, concern, and gospel proclamation. We are called to serve one another in unity and to the faithful and regular gathering of ourselves for worship in visible churches until the Christ returns.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of local church and that he leads it through a plurality of biblically qualified elders (Based on 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1) who have been called and gifted by him. By seeking the mind of Christ, depending on the Holy Spirit, and diligent examination the Word of God, the elders provide spiritual oversight and direction for the church. In cases of uncertainty with regard to biblical interpretation or the interpretation of policies and procedures, the elders are the final authority on the church’s position.
The Resurrection
We believe in the resurrection and final judgment of all people. Those who follow Christ by faith will be raised to eternal life in the presence of God. Those who reject him will be raised to eternal separation from God.
Last Things (Eschatology)
We believe in the imminent and personal return of Jesus Christ. Though the exact time and chronology is uncertain; his return is certain.
Meet the Committee

Selena Miller
Program Director
Hello, my name is Selena Miller. I am married to my high school sweetheart, Jeff, who is the most incredible man and we have 5 wonderful children ages 21 to 9. My family has lived in Central Oregon for 7 years now, and I have been homeschooling our 5 children for just about 2 decades! It feels like I’ve tried it all! While there is an abundance of support and resources now for homeschooling families, it can still be lonely. Our family has thrived being a part of a quality co-op setting. The camaraderie for the parents, the social interactions for the kiddos, and something to look forward to doing outside of the house each week has made being a part of a co-op rewarding and essential to our homeschool success. I have both taught at and directed a co-op for several years and am excited to now be directing our Amazing Grace Enrichment program. With a focus on discipling our children to know and love Jesus, I feel like we are able to take the best of the best and provide a truly valuable and enriching program that other homeschool families treasure just as much as mine does. I look forward to our coming school year together!

Keith Walton
Program Liaison
Keith retired from the Bureau of Land Management in Salem as a forester in 2015 and helped his Wife Nancy with her home-based business providing care for Developmentally Disabled Adults until moving to La Pine in September 2021. When his three grandkids (ages 3-10) moved at the same time, finding an alternative to public schools became a critical mission for the family. Rather than just praying and hoping for a solution, Keith offered to help in any way he can. He now serves as the liaison between Amazing Grace Home School Enrichment and High Lakes Christian Church.